Promethea – Book 1

Promethea – Book 1

Promethea Book 1 Down from the Attic: 4   Back in the day, before Promethea went into the Attic, not to emerge for another fifteen years, this was the Alan Moore comic series that I had expected to have the most difficulty with. Now I can’t remember why, much less the reason I never bought Book 2.  Life just got in the way, perhaps. I seem to remember that a lot of the fans that I met in Dublin’s Forbidden Planet and then when I moved...

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Daredevil : Love and War

Daredevil : Love and War

Daredevil: Love and War Down from the Attic: 3  I’m the first to admit that I’m well out of the loop on what’s happening with modern comic books; but Good Lord, what the hell put the zap on writer Frank Miller’s head?  I looked up a recent interview just after finishing this Golden Oldie and he both looks and sounds like he has the fried brain pan of somebody who has had some serious substance abuse issues in recent years. Then I...

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Edith Wharton – The Age of Innocence (1920)

Edith Wharton – The Age of Innocence (1920)

A Soft Captivity: The Age of Innocence   ‘And, in spite of the cosmopolitan views on which he prided himself, he thanked heaven that he was a New Yorker, and about to ally himself with one of his own kind.’ One of his own kind… This concept is important to most of the characters in Edith Wharton’s wonderful, elegiac and – in the final analysis – moving and quietly ambiguous 1920 novel, The Age of Innocence. It is set during two...

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Tall Tales : Journey Book 1

Tall Tales : Journey Book 1

Tall Tales Journey:  Featuring The Adventures of Wolverine MacAlistaire Book 1 by William Messner-Loebs   Down from the Attic:  2   “Whatever darkness a man has inside him, he brings with him into the frontier.” Yep; all these years on and I still get a little frisson at seeing Joshua ‘Wolverine’ MacAlistaire stepping out of the concealing shadows and mouthing those words. On my trip to the fabled attic last Christmas it’s a sad fact...

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Another Attempt at The Lord of the Rings

Another Attempt at The Lord of the Rings

One More For the Road: Another Attempt at The Lord of the Rings   ‘I’ll have to put my hands up here and admit that despite trying twice over the years, I have never been able to get much more than under half-way through The Lord of the Rings.  I know, I know; some of you will dismiss me immediately for uttering such a heresy but the fact remains:  whilst I could admire Tolkien’s intellectual achievement in creating a world that many...

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The Sinister Serials of Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr.

The Sinister Serials of Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr.

The Sinister Serials of Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr.   This is quite simply the most wonderful wallow through an almost-forgotten period of cinema history. For the obvious reason of age I have only a dim memory of the serial as a cinematic form. That was from attending the Odeon Cinema Club in Ayr, Scotland every Saturday morning –price 6d– where amongst screaming children (I of course was never one...

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